Welcome to Studio 89, an artist run space in the beautiful Hudson Valley.

It all started with a small crowded house and a pandemic.

There are four of us in the family, all with many various creative outlets. Stefan is a writer and passionate DIYer, Chloe is a Junior at Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore, Maryland, Layla loves video and music and playing guitar, and I am a photographer and graphic designer that dabbles in every craft that comes my way. When the pandemic hit, we scurried to get Chloe home from college as her school went 100% virtual. Our house is SMALL. We bought it thinking we’d have 2 kids out of the house soon. We found ourselves suddenly all together living in very cozy quarters. First we impulse purchased a large camper from someone on craigslist for some quick extra space. It helped. Layla liked living out there and spreading out from the constant close vicinity of us parents. Chloe took over the attic and spread out her art supplies. Stefan built a small but elaborate desk and shelving system in the corner of the living room. And I work between my foyer/office and the living room couch.

For a good many months this was working fine but the level of distraction I was feeling was really starting to wear on me. I was making planters with concrete and clay. I made a huge mosaic for our kitchen backsplash and had all of that equipment around. My photography equipment was ending up left on counters. I could go on, but you get the idea.

I decided it was time to look for some studio space to rent. Stefan and I found a small building on the main street, Vineyard Ave. in Highland, NY, the town we live in, and decided not only to use it as a studio but to open a gallery. We are not moved in yet but we’ve been building the foundation and the digital part of the business. Chloe and I have loose plans for shows through the end of the year. We are anxious to close on the sale of the building and start renovations and look forward to connecting with you there, in person, and with Covid-19 precautions of course.

Coming Soon Cover 2.png

We made the paper!


How do you keep your skills sharp?